Hi, ice cream will screw their tummies up. It is one thing to give a healthy cat ice cream licks, then when they throw it up it is no biggee... but not a sick one, especially since throwing up will dehydrate kitty even more.
Honestly, this will sound odd, but I have used this remedy for years....
Go to the store and by some Gerber rice baby cereal.
Mix up a tiny tiny bit with water and the kitty will lap it up. The rice cereal will help it stay down and intice kitty to eat it. If the water doesn't work, use milk to mix it. Have cool water out for kitty to get at if she wants it. Usually once they get a lil of that cerel on their belly, they will start drinking the water.
I had a momma kitty years ago that got an illness that left sores on her tongue, unfortunatley her five lil kittens got it too. My sis told me about the cereal thing and I was able to nurse them all back to health. When I took them in for their shots and told the vet, he said that if I hadn't done that they would have probably all died. I have used this treatment one other time when one of my cats (one of the five kittens/we kept two) got a respiratory ailment and would not eat or drink. Even if you can get her to take just a lil every hour or so it will help a lot... but for the ice cream... I wouldn't, ice cream is much richer than milk and can make them throw up which is the last thing you want her to do.
Good luck to you and kitty!!!! :)
Ice cream okay to help re-hydrate?
Ice cream contains milk/cream, which causes diarrhea, which dehydrates.
So, you really should try something else. Try ice (if she seems to respond to the cold), or frozen beef or chicken broth. Warm beef/chicken broth is also a good option.
Put some vanilla in some water and see if she'll take that. (She may be drawn to the smell) A drop or 2 of vanilla extract in a gallon of water may fool her.
If not, use a baby's medicine shooter to drip some water into her.
Some kitties are lactose-intolerant.
You should give her kitty ice cream (no lie--they make it) or lactose-free milk or ';cat milk'; (which is processed to be easier for kitties to digest.)
You don't want to have to deal with diarrhea because your kitty can't digest lactose well.
Have you tried gravy? A little lukewarm gravy might be nice.
Do you have a plastic syringe? Remove the needle, put some water in and slowly put some liquid in your cats mouth a few drops at a time.
Feed your cat canned food, it has lots of water in it. As far as the ice cream well, the sugar in it is really not good but give anything a try. Also ice cubes might work as well. Try plain yogurt too.
How do you know she's dehydrated? Why is she dehydrated?
Ice cream is not good for her and will likely make the problem worse. If after the below stuff is tried, Go to the store and get GOATS MILK it's usually in the health food section.
It's about 3 dollars a quart here, but hey, it's worth her life right?
Anything with cows milk should not be given, when she's HEALTHY a TINY bit in moderation is ok (I let my kitty have about a teaspoon of ice cream, not chocolate of course) Cow's milk is too hard for them to digest, Goats milk is actually used to nurse orphaned kittens (I've used it )
Try tuna, wet food(make sure it's a ';stinky'; one ie salmon or something) chicken broth (unsalted!!!) and mix it with water.
If she is under a vets care, then go ahead and syringe her.
Get a syringe (just a dollar or two at walmart) and gentle put it in teh corner of her mouth and slowly push the syringe. Give her a break and do it again if necessary. Make sure she does not aspirate (water bubbles from her nose)
Email me if you need to austin17055@yahoo.com
Good luck
The sugar in it is probably not that good for her. Call the vet to be sure. Did you try just milk? I've heard that isn't good for a cat either, but better than all the sugar in ice cream.
no ice cream is bad for cats! the milk that we drink is bad for cats too drink.
If you have give your cat some milk too rehydrate give your cat the mothers milk that sell at store ok.
It is slightly better than nothing but the sugar/milk/etc can make a sick cat sicker. He really needs to see a vet for help and proper rehydration.
It should be alright, just add a bit of whole milk to the bowl and warm it just a bit as to not give her a kitty brain freeze.
No, it may upset her belly worse. Try chicken stock (not canned or anything since that is very salty- make your own), or baby food or plain canned squash.
Ice cream is a sweet food which is forbidden for cats as all sweets
oh yes good hydration try gatorade too.
Bring your cat to the vet and see what's wrong.
no cats are lactose intolerant.
it'll be fine!
well i guess, but she/he might get worms .try maybe some tuna it has liquid in it /try milk thats probably why she likes icecream
ice cream is food of the gods
ur cat doesnt deserve it
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