Thursday, December 17, 2009

If the makers of Oil of Olay are so convinced that their spunk-like cream works.............?

why don't they prove it by trying it out on Queen Elizabeth? After a fortnight we'd all know one way or the other.If the makers of Oil of Olay are so convinced that their spunk-like cream works.............?
I agree with you about Oil Of Olay!!!

But it's a bit wacky thinking about trying out on Her Majesty. She is over a certain age....not even the elixir of youth is going to do it for her (no disrespect to older ladies)

I used to scream every time the Oil of Olay advert came on TV. Did you see it, it had a really smug looking 15 year old telling us we should all use it - but it sounded as if , instead of saying, ';Daily renewal';, she was saying ';Daily Manure';!!

Mind you, a sack of manure would probably be a better investment.

On a serious note (sorry!) I guess this is all about how the world is getting more and more looksist and ageist, and a lot of people will try anything to look as youthful as possible.

I wish that wisdom and inner beauty were more highly valued. Women over a certain age feel invisible (My mom says, unless you're wearing bright purple, you'd have to be the Queen to be noticed at all)

I have to admit, I use a lot of skin products - but not Oil of Olay!!!If the makers of Oil of Olay are so convinced that their spunk-like cream works.............?
lol **** knows
they did give her a trial run but she put it on ritz crackers and ate it
Please. It is a moisturizer, not a miracle worker.
What is spunk-like? It sounds bad...and the Queen is 80 - - only Joan Rivers is old without wrinkles and her skin is so taught rain bounces off it like ping pong balls.
Because we all like the ideal world Oil of Olay has created for us, where a cream can make us more attractive, and if they did used it on the queen and it failed then our dreams would be shattered!!! Bad suggestion, VERY bad lol! Luckily for me, at 26 Im not exactly in the 'needs to use Oil of Olay' category but Id still like to believe in my dreamw orld!!!
Because she refuses to substitute her son's j.izz with anything so low class, that's why! How dare we insult the Queen Mum - lol
Oil of Olay is really good.I am satisfied.Try it and then comment
I believe that the Queen doesn't do product advertising.
the queen wouldnt buy it its not dear enough for her haha
get a life grow up using words like that;s not funny!!! children use this site.
i don't know how to reply but i do agree
Because they don't want us to realise what rubbish it is!

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